Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Aloha Friday

It's Friday, and it's Earth Day . Can it get any better than this? We're participating in An Island Life's Aloha Friday blog event. The event involves posting a question on your blog. Here's my question:

What are you doing for Earth Day?

We have a number of events scheduled at work today. I rode my bike to work, brought in some t-shirts to exchange, brought my lunch, and we're going up to clean up garbage from the area around the building.

I look forward to hearing what you're doing today.


Anonymous said...

It's raining so we are staying in..

Stacy Uncorked said...

Princess Nagger and I stopped and picked up a tub to convert into a compost bin - she's painting it right now, but we'll have to wait until it stops raining to finish it and put it to work...might not be until next week! :) We also picked up a new tree to plant - hopefully the rain will let up and we can get it in the ground. :)

Have a great weekend and Happy Easter! I'm your newest follower. ;)

Be Kind 2 Earth Day - Aloha

The Social Frog said...

Nothing for Earth Day but it is Good Friday for me.

Colette S said...

Nothing planned. Just hanging out with the family.

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

Nothing much!