Thursday, September 2, 2010

Trying a New Doggie Daycare Place

Kendall's off to A Dog Gone Good Place, ADGGP, for the morning. She's been going to the same place for over a year, and it seemed like it was time for something new. She's there this morning for her evaluation to see how she makes out with all of the other dogs. It's a lot bigger than where she went before, so I'm not sure how she'll handle it. They have a small dog area that's separated from the big dogs at all times. She seemed a bit nervous headed in there will the big dogs barking, but she took off with the attendant without looking back. I hope she's having fun.

Kendall goes to day care once a week. It's a chance for her to socialize and have fun with other dogs, and it gets her out of the house when the cleaners come. They're only here every other week, but we've found that a routine is good for Kendall. So, off to the day care once a week for her. There's something very nice about coming home to a clean house and a tired dog on the same day. I'll let you know how it goes.

Update: Kendall had a great time at ADGGP. She came out with her tail wagging and that excited look she gets in her eyes when she's having fun. They post daily pictures of the dogs. Here's one of her with some of the other small dogs there.


Rouky said...

I'm happy that Kendall loves her new daycare! She'll make some new doggie friends.
I agree, coming home to a clean house is fantastic (although I must admit it does not happen often for me!).
Rouky goes to doggie daycare twice/week, as my husband and I work full time outside the house and he has separation anxiety. I hate to leave him alone... Poor baby.

Juno said...

Have fun at daycare, Kendall! Going there once a week sounds a good plan for everyone!

Thank you for your barkday wishes!! It means a lot to us... :) :)

Momo & Pinot